No One Goes Hungry!
Community Food Bank Seeks Food/Donations to Meet Needs
Through the Holidays
The 60+ agencies that rely on the Community Food Bank (CFB) to provide food for the individuals and families they serve are struggling. The increase in the need for food assistance over the past few years is taking its toll on resources that are already taxed to the max.
Barbara Sprague, CFB Executive Director and CEO, is pulling out all the stops to make sure no one goes hungry this holiday season. In addition to the agency’s standard fundraising efforts, Sprague is challenging the community to be part of the CFB’s movement to make an impact by offering an in-kind or monetary donation to help our neighbors in need.
“Living with hunger is challenging on many levels, and it’s especially difficult during the holidays,” explains Sprague. “We want to do everything we can to ensure everyone in our community can enjoy nourishing meals on Thanksgiving, Christmas/Hanukkah, and to begin the new year.”
One meal equates to one pound of food. The CFB needs to collect or purchase through monetary donations at least 210,000 pounds of food for holiday meals to feed the 70,000+ individuals in our area who seek food assistance each month. Individuals and businesses wanting to be part of the movement can make a monetary donation to the CFB, as every $10 provides 100 meals. The agency is also accepting the following food donations:
- Canned Foods
- Dry Pasta, Rice, Beans
- Boxes of Cereal
- Peanut Butter and Jellies
- Pet Food
- Personal Hygiene Products
- Cleaning Products
Donated items can be dropped off at the following locations until Monday, December 19th:
Community Food Bank
5259 W. Cardinal Street
Crystal Harley-Davidson
1147 South Suncoast Blvd
Habitat for Humanity Re-Store
7800 W Gulf to Lake Hwy
Crystal River
Habitat for Humanity Re-Store
3703 E Gulf to Lake Hwy
“Every little bit helps,” says Sprague. “Picking up a few extra cans of food every time you go to the grocery store can make a tremendous impact. It may be the determining factor in whether or not someone is able to eat a meal or not.”